
Showing posts from March, 2009


Have you changed your workout lately? It's so important to keep changing the way you work out in order to see changes in your body. Your body gets used to your workouts quickly; making a regular workout almost redundant. Interval training is a great way to keep your body guessing, and also a great way to keep your heart rate elevated continously to keep you burning fat. For a free circuit training workout, go to my website: Try interval training today and see how amazing you feel after just a quick 20 minute session. It can be done in your home with little to no equipment. Have fun and get sweating!

Did you Drink Today?

...Water that is! How much water did you drink in your day? You should be drinking more probably, as we all should. It's funny how many things we consume, but we forget about the really important things. Staying hydrated is an amazing way to stay healthy, and even lose weight. The feeling of thirst is often disguised as hunger, so we may eat instead of simply drinking some water. Give yourself a water challenge for the rest of the week. Every time you go to have a meal, have a large glass of water first. Every time you go to have a snack, have a glass of water with it. Try to switch up one cup of coffee or pop for water. See the changes in your health and the way you look; it's really amazing! Enjoy your Friday!

Did You Eat Breakfast?

I just came back from doing a morning workshop on healthy eating "on the go". How healthy are your meals? Are you eating regularly throughout the day? It's so essential to start your day with a healthy, nutritious breakfast. It really gets your body going after a long night of fasting. You should try to include protein at every meal; breakfast included. I don't mean greasy sausages or bacon, but instead, some nut butter on your whole grain toast, or some boiled eggs. Breakfast is your first opportunity to eat well in the day, so make sure to include some form of fruit as well. Aim for at least 5 servings a day of fruits and veggies. Enjoy your morning!

Get Outside!

I don't know where you are, but here in Vancouver, we have some sun today. This is your opportunity to get outside and get a terrific workout while also enjoying the scenery, and getting some fresh air. Do you live by a lake or ocean? Take a power walk around the seawall or path. Do you live by mountains? Go for an enjoyable hike with a friend. Catch up on the latest news while you exercise. A little sun is a great excuse to get off your behind and away from the stale, indoor air. Get outside, grab a pal, and hit the local walking spot. Enjoy the beautiful day!

Little Changes Make Big Changes

Have you ever wondered what would happened if you suddenly stopped eating out of habit? Do you find yourself nibbling on food when you're not even hungry? What would happen if you simply stopped? We fall into these snack traps where we find ourselves eating for comfort, or even out of boredom. Why not stop yourself in your tracks? Mindless munching gets you nowhere...good that is. It will help you gain weight and see less results than you'd like even after hard workouts day after day. How to stop: Eat at regular intervals throughout the day to stave off hunger, and make sure you're hydrated. When you're thirsty, you may mistake that for hunger and eat instead of drink. Drink water regularly Don't buy junk! If it's not in your house, you probably won't be eating it. Stay focussed: what are your goals? Write it down. Keep a food diary. Good luck and stop the mindless munching!

Do you Drink Coffee?

I was doing some research on a nutrition workshop I'm going to host, and came upon a great article on coffee drinking and blood glucose levels. This article is very important for those of you that drink coffee BEFORE having your morning cereal. Read on here: Makes you think.